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Becky Benoit

Certified Consultant

My Story

Welcome to my Scentsy site. I have been a Scentsy Consultant since 2009. My initial intent wasn't to actually sell Scentsy, I just knew I LOVED the product and wanted to get it at a discounted price.  When I placed my first order, I was completely HOOKED! I am still just as much in love with Scentsy as the day I signed up to become a consultant. I am happily married to my soulmate of 29 years, Jeff Benoit. He and I also own B&O Kitchen & Gro.  He and I have 2 children & 5 Grandchildren. While you look around on my site, be sure to check out our Charitable Warmer as well.  Take a peek at the Scent & Warmer of the Month, they are awesome and 10% off for this month only! Please do not hesitate to ask any questions and if I do not know the answer, I will find out for ya.
Thank you for taking the time to read about me.  Now, Happy Smelling...    

What's warming in my home